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It has the same genetics make up. So many of them are so close you would have to be a chemist to know the differences . So who has that kinda of time when at a drug deal . I really believe the C.I.A is putting it in to track users ?? who goes to the Doctor and says I feel like i got the flue and by the way I been doing a lot of Coke ?? So the doc treat you for the flue no help .. Be honest with the doc it privileged INFO under the H.I.P.A law ? so want to live tell doc all if not your on your own !

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Q: Why is levamisole used to cut cocaine?
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What is commonly used to cut cocaine?

what do you use to cut cocaine

Is acetone used in the production of cocaine?

no, it is not used in the production of cocaine but it is used in a process to "step-on" or cut cocaine that's kind of secret but most guys that sell kilo sized quantities know how to perform the acetone process

What color is cocaine?

Pure cocaine has a yellow tint. It is not pure white. Most cocaine sold in the U.S. is white in color because of the cutting medium. Around 3/4 of the U.S. is cut or "diluted" with baby laxative which gives it the look of pure white. As a rule the whiter the cocaine the more times it has been cut. This does depend on the ingredient used to cut.

Does cocaine or any of the popular agents used to cut cocaine contain iron or any other such minerals?

There is no definitive answer to that question because cocaine is not standardised and uses can evolve... it is safe to consider that about every substance may be use to cut it.Talcum and silica are minerals often found in cocaine. Silica generally comes from crushed tablets.Iron compounds tend to be non white and so are seldom used to cut cocaine.In Europe, a majority of the cocaine is tainted with phenacetine, a very carcinogenic chemical.

Is cocaine used with a spoon?

No. You use a crack pipe to smoke rock cocaine. A spoon is used for substances you inject. Heroin comes directly to the minds of most people, but the spoon is very versatile. You can inject and use a spoon for cocaine, but not for his brother crack. Actually a spoon is used for many that cook cocaine into it's crack form. It cooks out most of the cut used in cocaine and leaves a rock if done correctly.

What do you use a cut straw for?

snorting cocaine

New cutting agent for cocaine?

'Cutting' a drug refers to diluting it with some other ingredients. This practice is done with the intention of increasing profits. Popular drug cutting agents are methylsulfonylmethane, inositol, lactose, etc. However, bizarre, and sometimes very dangerous cutting agents have been used. Some cutting agents are often active drugs in their own right. The reason for addition of these compounds is often to increase the bitterness of the product, as the inert cutting agents can cause it to be sweeter or less bitter. The active cutting agents range from the more harmless lidocaine (used in cut cocaine to retain its numbing effect) to the dangerous deworming agent levamisole, which caused several deaths. Levamisole recently was used as a cutting agent in the U.S. and Canada. Although there is no advantage to using this compound over the others (and the drawback of causing seizures and other health effects), it was widely used for that purpose.

Why does cocaine cause gas?

Cocaine is usually cut with baby laxatives which is a white powder with no taste or smell

What does burning cocaine smell like?

like burning cocaine, depending on what nastiness it may have been "cut" with.

What do you use a cut off straw for?

snorting cocaine

What are the different preparations of cocaine and how are they used?

What are the different preparations of cocaine and how are they used