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What would you call an artist that loves to create in all mediums of art?

(i.e someone who deems themselves both an animator, painter, and photographer etc)

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As with any livestock, you the owner/keeper will know better. You're there. As long as neither is harmed, keep them together. If you are concerned, separate them.

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Q: Why is my female emu pushing the male away and hissing at him?
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Do female hissing cockroaches hiss?

When they feel threatened, or are in a fight with another male cockroach. (Only Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches)

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If the female or male comes towards you walk away. If the female or male grabs you, remove their hand away and walk away. If the female or male pushes you, turn around and say ' Leave me alone! ' then walk away. If the female or male punches you in the back, then you walk away and report the assault. As long as you can walk away, you must. There is no self-defense defense if you can escape.

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It would be assault and battery.

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When they feel threatened, or are in a fight with another male cockroach. (Only Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches)

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How old is a Madagascar hissing cockroach male?

depends when it was born

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Is it okay to put male duck and female duck in the same hutch while theres eggs?

no because the male duck will run away after the female duck has eaten it and the eggs that will be male.