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All stars have some unique property, size, core, brightness, composition, etc. As far as things go, Sol is not particularly notable for any unique properties.

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Q: Why is our sun unique amongst stars in the universe?
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Where are stars in the universe?

Stars are scattered all across our universe but guess what? there are no stars in our solar system besides the sun!

Is there a single sun in universe?

There is a single sun in our own solar system, but not in the universe. There are trillions upon trillions of suns (or stars) in the universe.

Are there other stars like your sun in the universe?

Probably MILLIONS of stars very much like our Sun.

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Nuclear fusion is the process that powers stars, such as our sun.

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No, there are many stars that are hotter than the sun.

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The stars that are bigger than the sun and earth are the stars that are bigger than the sun and those stars are Sirius,Pollux and Arcturus

Is your sun the norm form stars or is this unique?

The Sun is just 1 of many red giants out there in the Universe. If you want to know if the Sun is a unique star, then the simple answer is no; Primarily because all stars work in the same fashion in converting their respective elements to light & energy; it also has a stable volume of mass in comparison to the many super & hypergiant stars out there. Now the Sun may not be unique in a physical standpoint but I guess you could say its special in the fact that it holds us in its orbit, a planet with biological life.

Which features of the sun are typical of stars?

Hydrogen and Helium are the predominant gases in stars and in the rest of the universe.

What do stars and sun have in common?

The sun IS a star, one of billons in the universe. It is quite warm up there.

What do stars and sun in common?

The sun IS a star, one of billons in the universe. It is quite warm up there.

The mass of what body is used to measure the mass of stars in the universe?

The sun