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Its so importanat because 30% is government And 70% is court

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Q: Why is the Constitution of the US so important?
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Why is promote the general welfare important?

It is important because it is part of the US Constitution.

Why was it so important that the us has written constitution after we gained independence?

There had to be a foundation for government and laws.

Which principal of The US Constitution is important?

All of them are important.

Why was the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution so important?

The 13th Amendment is important because it outlawed slavery in the United States.

Why are protected rights and representative government important principles?

Both became important parts of the US Constitution

Why is 1787 important in US history?

The U.S. Constitution was ratified. Constitution Day.

Is the constitution important to the society?

In the US, yes. Very important.

Why is the constitution very important?

The constitution was so important because it was about the people so they had wanted to see what was or what had changed.

How many Amendments are there to the US Constitution why it necessary to amend it?

there r 27 and its important to amend them so they can be remembered

Why were the framers of the US Constitution so important?

The Framers of the Constitution deeply believed in liberal, democratic ideas, heavily influenced by Enlightenment thinkers. These principles were important to the colonists, who felt that the British crown treated them unfairly and did not represent their interests.

Why is the constitution important to every American?

The Constitution is what freed us and made us a country. It is the basis of the laws we live by, and is very important to anyone that knows history

Why was the US Constitution important to us history?

It is the basis of US government. It lays out the law.