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Because both have a very recent common ancestor. The branching/split point between humans and chimps is only about 6 million years ago.

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Q: Why is the DNA of humans and chimpanzees so very similar?
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Related questions

What is the study of DNA?

similar DNA in chimpanzees and humans

What does it say when humans and chimpanzees have similar DNA?

That they share a common ancestor.

How many percent parts humans from the chimpanzees?

Our DNA is about 98-99% similar to Chimps

What type of study is most appropriate for determining the time at which a common ancestor to humans and chimpanzees lived?

comparing DNA sequences between humans and chimpanzees Also,The more similar the DNA of two species, the more recently they diverged from a common ancestor

How are primates and humans similar?

The DNA sequence of humans and chimpanzees are 98.5 percent identical, but now Uppalsa University

Will the lambs have similar DNA to any of the parents?

Yes, offspring have very similar DNA to their parents whether they are humans or sheep.

Is the DNA of humans more similar to the DNA of birds or apes?

Humans are more closely related to apes. In 2012 scientists completed the genome of the bonobo, an African ape. When added to the genomes that have already been completed for orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees we now have a complete DNA catalogue of the great apes. The studies show that humans are most closely related to bonobos and chimpanzees. The three are more closely related to each other than any is to gorillas.

Which observation supports the inference that humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor?

They both have similar anatomy, psychology, behavior, intelligence, and, especially, genetics.

Is there any scientific proof that there is a such thing as bigfoot?

they have found blood and hairs of the creature humans are about 98.5% similar to chimpanzees... that's how we know that we come from the same evolutionary bath as the chimpanzees... we have found blood and hair that have the same DNA as chimps and humans but the hair and blood is neither human or chimpanzee.

The high degree of similarity between chimpanzee and human DNA suggests that?

Humans and chimpanzees share 94% of the same DNA. By comparing certain genes of chimpanzees to those of humans, scientists can tell the approximate number of generations since humans and chimpanzees shared a common ancestor. It is believed that the ancestors of humans and chimpanzees diverged between four and six million years ago. In other words, it is support for evolution and the fact that humans evolved from great apes.

What does it mean when human DNA is similar to chimpanzee DNA?

It means that humans are very similar to chimpanzees.nmeaninng that the way that they respond and carry out there daily lives is similar to the way we carry out our lives

Does convergent evolution lead to the DNA similarities of chimpanzees and humans?

No, convergent evolution happens when two distinctly different species develop similar adaptations because of similar environmental pressures. For example, both bugs and bats have wings, but one is an insect and the other is a mammal. Chimps and humans have similar DNA because they share a common ancestor--i.e., we are genetic cousins.