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The left ventricle pumps blood to all parts of the body and it is more muscular because of the pressure and force required to do this.

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Q: Why is the left ventricle of the heart so muscular?
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Why is the left ventricle the most powerful of the heart?

The Left ventricle is delicious, so the myocardium is sweeten it.

Why does the left ventricle have thicker muscular walls than the other heart chambers?

Actually two chambers of the heart is more muscular (so basically one side of the heart) Because the one side of your heart only has to pump blood to the lungs were it gets oxyginated but the other side of the heart (more muscular side) has to pump the blood all the way to your toes, and every other organ in the human body! So it has too be more muscular too perform the necessary task that it is asked to do!

Is left ventricle digestive respiratory excretory circulatory?

The left ventricle is one of the four chambers of the heart, so it is part of the circulatory system.

What is the lowest part of the heart?

Well, the ventricles are at the bottom. So, the right ventricle and the left ventricle, I would think.

Where do the left heart blood to?

The left side of the heart is for to collecting oxegynated blood from the lungs, then pumps blood around your body. The right side of the heart is for to collecting blood from the body, then so pumps blood to the lungs.

Is the left ventricle a respiratory or circulatory system?

The left ventricle is a chamber of the heart that pumps blood to the body through the aorta, so it is a member of the circulatory system.

What is the names of the 4 chambers in the heart?

right atrium,right ventricle,left atrium and left ventricle.

Why are there more muscles to the bottom of the heart than at top?

The bottom of the heart is more muscular because that is where the blood exits the heart: deoxygenated blood has to be forced out of the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, and oxygenated blood has to be forced from the left ventricle into the aorta - the force of the contraction is what sends the blood circulating all around the body & so it takes pretty hefty muscle to do the job.

How is the left ventricle different from the right ventricle?

The heart is divided into four chambers, the right atrium and the right ventricle, and the left atrium and the left ventricle. Blood that is oxygen poor and high in carbon dioxide enters the heart through the right atrium and is then pumped out to go to the lungs via the right ventricle. The left atrium then pumps the newly oxygenated blood into the left ventricle, which then sends the blood to all parts of the body. So, in short, the right ventricle pumps oxygen poor blood to the lungs and the left ventricle pumps oxygen rich blood to the whole body.

Why is the left ventricle of the heart have a thicker wall than the right ventricle?

The left ventricle needs enough power to pump the blood around the entire body and keep up the pressure in the veins and arteries. The right ventricle only pumps blood to the lungs and back to the heart, so therefore does not need as much power.

Why is the left ventricle of a heart walls the thickest?

=== This is because the left ventricle has more work to do then the right side, so more muscle is needed so the heart will not fail to do its job. (it's job is to pump the blood around to differant parts of the body). EDITED BY JACK NISBET 15

What part of the frog's heart is thicker?

The wall of the ventricle is thicker than the walls of the atria because the ventricle pumps blood throughout the body, and the wall of the ventricle needs to be thick snd muscular in order to do so.