

Why is the triangle called Bermuda triangle?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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because if you trace a line from the island of Bermuda to the Atlantic coast of Miami and another to San Juan, Puerto Rico you will get the shape of a triangle

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Q: Why is the triangle called Bermuda triangle?
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Why was the Bermuda triangle a triangle?

The Bermuda triangle is known a triangle because the ships , planes etc that have entered in on the border and disappeared . That borders were joined by scientists and have got a joined line. It was a closed figure and looked like a triangle . from that time onwards it was called Bermuda triangle

Why is it known as the Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda Triangle is named after the island of Bermuda.

What is the truth about Bermuda triangle?

It makes a great story, but there is little truth in the stories. The area called the Bermuda triangle is not even well defined.

What is the so called Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda triangle is a strange place south of the Caribbean sea where many planes and boats have gone missing.

Is the Bermuda triangle a whirl pool?

The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary triangle.

Is the Bermuda Triangle near Florida?

Yes, the Bermuda Triangle is off the coast of Florida, Cuba, and Bermuda.

How does Bermuda Island form a triangle?

Bermuda is not shaped like a triangle, it is only called that because each point of the triangle if you drew lines inbetween them it would form the shape of a triangle. Bermuda is only one point. written by Matthew age 9

What does it look like in the Bermuda Triangle?

It looks just like a triangle hints the reason why it is called Bermuda triangle

Was the Bermuda triangle closed?

No it was not the bermuda triangle is an area of ocean.