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In many states convicted felons NEVER recover their right to vote. If you can't do the time - don't do the crime!

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Q: Why is there a two year wait to vote after a felony sentence is complete in Texas?
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Can a person who is serving a sentence for a felony conviction vote in Georgia's elections?

If you are on felony probation it indicates that you have not yet completed the sentence for your offense, meaning that you are not yet eligible to have your record expunged, which means you cannot vote.

Who can be disqualified form voting in Illinois?

In the state of Illinois people who are incarcerated for a felony can't vote. They will have the ability to vote once they have served their sentence.

Use the word felony in a sentence?

A felony is a crime that is serious enough to get a jail sentence of more than one year. Obvious felonies are murder, robbery, and rape.Jack committed a felony when he robbed the bank. The jury convicted the rapist of his felony after a few minutes of deliberation. If you commit a felony you cannot vote or have a gun.

Is Jake wanted to vote in the upcoming election a sentence or a fragment?

It is a complete sentence, with a subject (Jake) and a predicate. Here to vote is an infinitive acting as a noun (object).

When can you vote with a felony charge?

>> ANSWER I was previously convicted of a felony. Can I register to vote?If you were convicted of a felony your voting rights vary from state to state. Go to and click on "Felony Disenfranchisement in the United States" to download a grid outlining the laws of all 50 states.

Can you vote with a marijuana felony?


Can convicted felons vote in the state of Wisconsin?

A felon can vote when he/she is done serving his sentence and probation.

You had a deferred sentence it expired and you got a letter saying your probation is over but it was not sucessfully completed. Does this mean you are a felon and can't carry a hand gun or vote?

You need to return to court and ask for a second chance to complete this program. If you are on some type of diversionary program where they withhold adjudication while you are going through probation with requirements to fulfill while on probation and you did not complete them, you will be back where you started. The original charge will then be reactivated and if it was a felony at the beginning, it is a felony now. You cannot have a gun. Your right to vote is only affected if you are incarcerated.

Is a person who commits a felony able to vote?


Can vote in Florida with a felony conviction?

yes you can

What event led to the Mexican American war?

The vote in congress to annex Texas

Can you vote with a felony charge in North Carolina?

You can't vote anywhere in the US with a felony charge, period. Check section 2 of the 14th Amendment.