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The are a combination of factors. Tornado Alley is located in the central U.S. as that is where warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico meets with cool air from Canada and dry air from the Rocky Mountains. The warm, moist air acts a fuel for thunderstorms while the incoming cool, or dry air mass, sometimes both, act as a trigger for their development. Other conditions such as an inversion cap and wind shear (see related question for details) give these storms the potential to produce tornadoes.

These converging factors create a region ideal for tornado formation.

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Q: Why is tornado alley located where it is located?
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Most Tornadoes are located at Tornado Alley

Where is Tornado alley located in Oklahoma?

Most of Oklahoma except part of the panhandle is in Tornado Alley along with large portions of 4 other states.

Where is thunder storm alley located?

there is no such thing as that but severe thunderstorms do mostly occur in tornado alley and most of them resulting of a tornado but thunderstorms mostly occur in Florida

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Where is Tornado Valley located?

Tornado Alley is locate mainly on the Great Plains and extends from Texas to South Dakota and into Iowa. The most active part of Tornado Alley is in northern Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

Is Ontario in tornado alley?

No. While Ontario does get tornadoes, it is nowhere near Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley is farther west.

Is tornado alley located in the same place every year?

Yes. It is located in the middle of the united states (Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas etc) due to a favorable climate setup. Tornado Alley does not move, but major tornado outbreak can happen in other regions.

Is tornado alley in the US?

Yes. Tornado Alley is in the south of the U.S.A.

Is leander Texas in tornado alley?

Tornado Alley does not have official boundaries. Depending on how the map is drawn Leander could be considered just inside or just outside Tornado Alley.

What is tornado alley and where is it located?

Tornado Alley is a region in the United States that gets more tornadoes, especially strong ones, than anywhere else in the world. It is located on the Great Plains, stretching from Texas to South Dakota and Iowa.

Is Missouri in tornado alley?

Western Missouri is generally considered to be in Tornado Alley.

What is the ISBN of Tornado Alley book?

The ISBN of Tornado Alley - book - is 0916156842.