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I think the main reason is because the inner class may "outlive" the method in which it was created. If this happens, then the memory storing those variables would be lost and we would run into problems when trying to access them. If the variables are defined as final, then Java knows that those values will never change and it can move/copy them when the class is created.

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11y ago

Short answer: no.

If the purpose of creating such a beast is to prevent the class from being instantiated, use a private no-arg constructor.

abstract = means the class cannot be instantiated except through a sub-class.

final = means the class cannot be sub-classed.

Seems the only reason to want to do this is to create a "utility" class - only static methods that other classes will use, maybe as a way of collecting common code in one spot. This is a very common practice, and utility classes should be declared final with private constructors.

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12y ago

Yes it can be a final class..but you cannot declare instance of it in sub class.

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Q: Why method inner classes can only access final variables from method?
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