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A user in Oracle corresponds to a schema.

Objects, such as table and indexes, must exist within a schema.

Without creating a user/schema, use of the database will be limited to the built-in schemas and objects, such as the one-row DUAL table and standard PL/SQL packages.

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Difference between user and schema oracle?

The both words user and schema are interchangeble,thats why most people get confusion on this words.Below i explained the difference between them--UserUser is a account to connect database(Server). we can create user by using CREATE USER user_name IDENTIFIED BY password.--SchemaActually Oracle Database contain logical and physical strucutre to process the data.The Schema Also Logical Structure to process the data in Database(Memory Component). Its Created automatically by oracle when user created.It Contains All Objects created by the user associated to that schema.For Example if i created a user with name santhosh then oracle createts a schema called santhosh,oracle stores all objects created by user santhosh in santhosh schema.We can create schema by CREATE SCHEMA statement ,but Oracle Automatically create a user for that schema.We can Drop the schema by using DROP SCHEMA schema_name RESTRICT statement but it can not delete scehema contains objects,so to drop schema it must be the restrict word forcely specify that schema with out objects.If we try to drop a user contain objects in his schema we must specify CASCADE word because oracle does not allow you to delete user contain objects. DROP USER user_name CASCADE so oracle deletes the objects in schema and then it drops the user automatically,Objects refered to this schema objects from other schema like views and private synonyms goes to invalid state.

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The CREATE SESSION system privilege by legrand charles(B.E CSE)

Why you must create a unique user account?

for a security reason

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Package variable

How do you create a new profile on a computer?

If you mean user then: You must have administrator rights. For windows: Start Menu >> Control Panel >> Users >> Create new User For Mac: Apple Icon >> System Preferences >> Users >> Create new User

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Use the Oracle revoke command Example: revoke execute on procedure from user;

How do you find user privileges in oracle?

sql>select * from user_tab_privs;

When should you create a role in Oracle?

I think role is for these two purposes. 1>to grant a group of related privileges to a user 2>to simplify the process of granting and revoking privileges

Is Oracle or SAP better?

Type your answer here... Oracle is a user friendly software on the other hand SAP is not easy to use . SAP can be useful for big and vast organization, and oracle is best for small organizations .

When a user creates an object without a tablespace clause where will oracle store the segment?

It will go in the default tablespace of the user that creates the object.

What is a required before a user can begin using email?

create an account and after that you must sign up with your chosen username.