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That is a very, very good question. Their only use is mass destruction, and when I say mass destruction, I mean life as we know it being severely altered.

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Q: Why should a country have nuclear weapons?
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Should the Indian government encourage nuclear weapons for the security of the country?

India is already a nuclear power, and they have nuclear weapons on hand. They have already made the decision to "encourage" nuclear weapons, and presumably for increasing their own security.

Which country was the first country that has nuclear weapons?

The United States of America was the country that developed the first nuclear weapons.

Should Iran be allowed to develop nuclear weapons?

No because they will just attack us.they already have to many nuclear weapons they dont need anymore.

What is a nuclear arsenal?

An amount of nuclear weapons a country has

Why Should nuclear weapons be totally banned?

Because nuclear weapons are the most deadly of all weapons and can kill hundreds of thousands of people at once. Also, people will always get suspicious if a country is secretly making nuclear weapons e.g. Iran and USA. IF one country wants to build nuclear weapons then their neigh ours would want to too

What is nuclear posture?

A country's stance on nuclear weapons or if they have any.

Why India should not go for nuclear weapons?

India already has nuclear weapons.

What country was the first to start testing nuclear weapons?

The US was the first to start testing nuclear weapons

Who introduce the first nuclear power in Islamic countries?

The first Islamic country to have nuclear weapons was Pakistan.

Which country has the more weapon power?

Number of nuclear weapons by country: Country # of nuclear weapons USA 10'300 Russia 16'000 China 410 France 350

Does Possessing nuclear weapons necessary for a country?


Should the US use nuclear weapons as part of its military defense?

well for the sake of humanity hopefully not, but if confronted with nuclear destruction from another country they should retaliate.