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Yuo shouldn't totally avoid spicy food because it's good to have a varied diet. But only occaisionally because spicy food is normally very high in fat and sugars so it will make you fat if you eat too much! Also it can sometimes give you an upset tummy.

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Q: Why is spicy food painful?
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Eat yougrat after your meal

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Is it bad for you to eat spicy foods?

Yes. Eating spicy foods can make you have a stomach ache and even a painful throat.

How do you say spicy in Hindi?

Spicy in hindi can be said as 'TEEKHA'. It is the expression for the spicy food.

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No it is not spicy it is rather used in herbs

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Indians mostly eat spicy food but not always.

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What are some popular spicy foods?

Some of the most popular spicy foods are buffalo wings but another great choice would be enchiladas which can be both very mild and very spicy. For a complete other type of spicy food the Indian food curry is a super spicy food that never fails to amaze a spicy connoisseur's palate.

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Can spicy food burn a hole in your stomach?

No. There is evidence that spicy food cannot burn a hole in your stomach. It's proven.