

Why do we do homework?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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6y ago

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Homework is practice for the work at school. Unless you have a photographic memory and can memorize everything after you read it once, you need to practice these skills. They will help you in later life - you'll need to use math and science and reading every day. They help you to get a good job because you'll know how to do the things for that job. They'll help you graduate.

Yes, should you like a good job when you are older, completing your homework and handing it in on time should make your life easier.

I think you should because then you get good grades at report cards.

Doing your homework gives you practice for the things you are learning. Unless you have a photographic memory and can remember every single thing you read, you need to practice your skills so you can use them in real life, so you can pass your school, and so you can get on with the fun stuff in your life.
You always feel really good about yourself when you get your homework done early. Also, you'd be surprised how caught up you are in class the next day. If you do your homework, your grades will slowly increase. Since you've already done all of the practice, the amount of time you need to spend studying decreases to almost nothing.

The thing that I use to motivate me is that i think of something i would rather be doing. If i finish all of my homework, i get to do it. Also, set a timer for each subject with a reasonable amount of time. It really helps you get it done quickly since you feel some sort of pressure.
To reinforce what you have learned in class.

To practice what you have learned in class.

To do work by yourself, your own research, your own thinking.

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7y ago
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8y ago

We do homework to reinforce what we have learned in school, outside of the usual study zone. Assignments work as projects that require a number of skills in different subjects to complete. Projects or any homework for that matter may require resources that cannot be obtained at school eg. a brochure about your local lake. In this case you must travel to a place which produces these brochures and you must collect one to study and analyse it. Therefore it can only be done outside of school.

Homework can also be categorized as unfinished school work.

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10y ago

Homework is important for the memory of young people and children. By doing homework it is easier to re-cap the past work you have been doing, catch-up on missed-out school work and more. Even though it's a pain, you have to do homework...

Homework shouldn't be abandoned because it makes your thinking and mental improves. It is also helpful to kids who need education.

because the teachers want the kids to learn hard and pass the test

and be smart

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12y ago

Homework is given to you so you would learn and could keep on going to a higher level of education and not take up class time. If you didn't finish something in class, you have to finish it at home, if there's a project or report that takes days to finish, then the teacher may want you to do some of it at home so you would have more class time to do other work. There are many reasons why, these are some of the most common.

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12y ago

To help them retain the lesson they learned that day. People often better remember information by doing hands on experience with what they have learned.

Because the home work is based off of the days lesson, it will help the child remember the information when they get older so they can utilize it when they need it.

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12y ago

Because its a supplement to the subjects you're being taught in school. Limitations on the length of classes may mean your teacher hasn't covered everything they needed to. Setting homework allows them to see if you have learned what was being taught.

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Because a homework gives you the ability to test yourself and seek for help where you encounter a problem

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6y ago

We do homework because to make your brain get more healthy and to get better at something and this is good for you you know

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6y ago

Homework is to help you understand the material better by practicing and doing it yourself instead of just listening in class.

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