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That's like asking why should you keep anyone with an illness alive, because they can still walk, talk, and function.

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Q: Why should you keep AIDS patients alive?
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Are there any short and long term effects for AIDS?

There are both. For short, you need to take medications to keep you alive if you are on a developed stage. For long, it can make you sterile and getting your defenses down. Your immune system starts weakening and your more propense to get diseases. For AIDS patients a simple cold can be deathly.

Do worms in the garden keep us alive?

Indirectly, yes. Worms aid in the fertilization process, which in turn aids the growth of plants.

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it should be alive Zoe .m

What should you do to keep your culture alive?

Do things that's native to your culture.

Why you should keep tradition alive?

Then you don;t forget your family.

Give slogan on aids?

"STOP AIDS, Keep the promise"

Can you give slogans for aids?

stop aids keep the promise

Why should you have a healthy blood sugar?

because blood is part of what keeps you alive, almost everything that keeps you alive and therefore you should keep healthy and you should value your life by keeping healthy. Many deaths are because of unhealthy or infected blood and you should therefore keep your blood health.

Who should keep patient information confidential?

Its highly recommended that i registered Doctor should keep patients information confidential because its of their job and concern to deal with their patients problems. For more recommended health issues, i would recommend that you visit

Why should you save The Great Barrier Reef?

to keep the fish alive and to still have the wonders of the great barrier reef because it is part of the World Heritage, this means it is important to keep it safe and also keep it alive

Why should have to take care of living thing around you?

You need to take care of living things around you such as plants to keep them alive and keep us alive they give us oxygen.