

Why should you separate salt from salt water?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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9y ago

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1. Because salted water is not a drinking water.

2. Because salt is an important product obtained from sea waters.

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Q: Why should you separate salt from salt water?
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What can be separate?

salt and water. let the water evaporate and the salt should be left behind.

what mixtures can you separate?

salt and water. let the water evaporate and the salt should be left behind.

Which of equipment should be used to separate salt water?

Its a hot plate

What pieces of equipement should be used to separate salt water?


Will a hot plate separate salt water?

A hot plate will separate salt water.

Should a magnet be used to separate a mixture of salt water?

No; neither salt nor water are magnetic, so the magnet will do nothing.

How we separate salt from salt water?

Evaporate the water.

What should be used to separate salt water?

Salt water is a solution (when one substance is evenly mixed into another liquid [usually water] e.g. sugar water), and to separate a solution is a pot or bowl and a fire or stove. Simply boil the water, wait for it to evaporate and you have salt.

How were you able to separate the salt from the water?

In order to separate salt from water, you need to boil the water. Once all of the water has evaporated, the salt will be at the bottom of the container the water was boiled in.

How do you separate salt and oil?

HOW TO SEPARATE SALT FROM OIL .First of all to separate salt from oil you need to pour some water, salt, and oil into a beaker in that order. .After you have put those materials in the beaker, you should see the salt dissolving, then you should be left with oil and water. .Next to separate the oil from the water you could either, leave the solution for a while and the oil eventually should rise to the top and float above the water, or you could use a funnel with a stopcock at the bottom which will allow you to drain the water out underneath the oil. GOOD LUCK! :)

Can you used filtation to separate salt?

No, it cannot separate salt from a salt solution. This is because salt is soluble in water.

What equipment can be used to separate salt water?

To separate salt water into salt and fresh water you can use:a distillation apparatus, ora reverse osmosis process