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Q: Why the actual arguments declared as float is accepted only as double in formal arguments in java?
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A mathematical function declared in math.h: double pow (double b, double q);

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You can pass the address by using '&' with the pointer variable, while passing actual arguments. In formal arguments '*' is used in the place of '&'. To pass the address of a pointer variable a double pointer variable should be used .

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A default constructor is one where no arguments are declared or required. Thus if all arguments have defaults then it is still a default constructor, but one that can also serve as an overloaded constructor. Consider the following which has two constructors, one with no arguments (the default) and one with two arguments (an overloaded constructor): struct A { A () : x (42), y (3.14) {} A (const int a, const double b) : x (a), y (b) {} int x; double y; // ... }; We can invoke these two constructors as follows: A a; // invokes default constructor (a.x is 42, a.y is 3.14). A b (0, 1.0); // invokes overloaded constructor (b.x is 0, b.y is 1.0). Since both constructors are essentially doing the same thing, they can be combined into a single constructor -- we simply make the 'magic numbers' the default values of the overloaded constructor: struct A { A (const int a=42, const double b=3.14): x (a), y (b) {} int x; double y; // ... }; A a; // a.x is 42, a.y is 3.14. A b (0, 1.0); // b.x is 0, b.y is 1.0. As far as the calling code is concerned, nothing has changed, but the class declaration is simplified by removing a redundant constructor.

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