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Thank you very much for the chance of answering this question.

As is already stated in text books like Harrisons, typhoid fever is caused by a bacteria known as salmonella typhi. This organism is gram negative and motile.

Most importantly the bacteria produce a powerful endotoxin responsible for the clinical manifestations.the endotoxin produce myocarditis as a clinical feature.when the cardiac muscle is inflamed by the toxin, autorythmic cells cannot escape inflammation.because SA node and other related structures determine the pace of the heart, the cause of relative bradycardia is inflammation of the myocardium with the autorythmic cells .

Assefa Gebeyehu Muhie

lecturer in a medical college

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9y ago

That is a good question! It is bit difficult to answer. Probably due to typhoid toxin the sinoatrial node does not beat at faster rate.

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