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it gives a nice pleasurable experience

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Q: Why use of Multivibrator?
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Why do you use npn transistors in an astable multivibrator?

You can create an astable multivibrator with PNP, NPN, FETs, or even with NOR gates, NAND gates, or NOT gates. In fact the escapement movement in a mechanical watch is a species of astable multivibrator.

How monostable multivibrator can be used to generate?

we can use monostable multivibrator.But generally its o/p is a square wave so to get a pulse type waveform,we may use differentiator after monostable multivibrator....

What is the stable state of a multivibrator?

The condition in which the multivibrator may remains indefinitly.

What type waveforms are produced by multivibrator?

A multivibrator produces square or rectangular waveforms.

Is monostable multivibrator used for wave generation?

how can we modify the monostable multivibrator to obtain triangular wave generator

Why no triggering is used for astable multivibrator?

No triggering is used on an astable multivibrator because it can cause it to become unstable.

What is the use of a astable multivibrator?

1. It is used for the performance of many digital operations such as counting and storing binary information. 2. It is also used in the generation and processing of pulse-type waveforms.An astable multivibrator [also known as an oscillator] is a circuit built so that it does not come to rest in one single state but switches between them continuously.

Difference between monostable multivibrator and astable multivibrator?

No, cant use bistable multivibrator in place of monostable multivibrator... because monostable is meant for one stable state and one unstable state.. so there will be a constant time period for the alternate pulses of output.. but in bistable multivibrator, both are stable states.. so there is no specific time period for the output pulses.. the state will vary only on the application of mannual trigger...

Does the output of a monostable multivibrator oscillate?

No, the output of monostable multivibrator does not oscillate. As it has only one stable output we do not get oscillations. We get a square wave as output.

What is meant by monostable multivibrator?

A monostable multivibrator is a circuit which produces a single pulse of specified duration in response to each external trigger signal.

What is another name for RS?

monostable multivibrator

How many state in astable multivibrator has?

no stablestate