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there was a reeeeaally stupid answer discussing Johnny Cash here, so I'll edit it for you.

not necessarily king Tut's mask is called the mask of death, but masks worn by mummified pharao's are generally called death masks, because the kings are dead.. obviously.

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15y ago
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9y ago

The funeral mask of Tutankhamun was placed over the face of the young pharaoh. There are no surviving records of Tutankhamun's final days. What caused Tutankhamun's death has been the subject of considerable debate. This mask of solid gold, beaten and burnished, was placed over the head and shoulders of Tutankhamun's mummy, outside the linen bandages in which the whole body was wrapped. It weighs about twenty - four pounds. Although it is difficult to judge how closely the face represents a true likeness of the king, it is at least an approximation. The rather narrow eyes, the shape of the nose, the fleshy lips, and the cast of the chin are all in agreement with the features visible in his mummy, and the whole countenance is unmistakably youthful. Perhaps it is slightly idealized, but essentially it seems to be a faithful portrait.

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13y ago

so in the afterlife Tutankhamen could match his face up to his soul that is why the death mask is similar to his face so they could meet up in the afterlife.

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How was tutankhamuns mask found?


How much is tuts mask worth?

In 2005, all of king tutankhamuns 'treasure' had an estimated worth of £750 Million