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Early lens telescopes were small, expensive, made from delicate glass, and had fringes of violet color around bright objects. People could make mirrors, first of polished metal, then from glass coated with silver, and finally from different glasses coated with aluminum and other chemicals. These mirrors are larger, cheaper, and reflected light without making the color fringes. The reflecting telescope made modern Astronomy possible.

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Q: Why was reflecting telescope invented?
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Related questions

Who made use of the reflecting telescope?

Isaac Newton invented the reflecting telescope.

What did Isaac Newton invented?

he invented a reflecting telescope.

Where was reflecting telescope invented?

It was invented in the 17th Century.

How old was Isaac Newton when he Invented the telescope?

He invented the reflecting telescope in 1668 when he was 25

Why did Isaac Newton invent the telescope?

Newton did not invent the telescope, he invented the reflecting telescope. The reflecting telescope was a major improvement over the distorting refracting telescope.

In what nation was the reflecting telescope invented?


Where did Isaac Newton live in 1666?

He invented the reflecting telescope.

Who invented reflecting telescope?

Hans Lippershey

What year was it when Isaac Newton built his telescope?

Isaac Newton invented his reflecting telescope in 1672.

Where was the first reflecting telescope invented?

it back to the time of newton about 400 years back, newton first invented reflecting telescopes!

What telescope did newton invent?

He invented the reflecting telescope. Galileo was the first to use the telescope for studies of the heavens.

When did Sir Issac Newton make a reflecting telescope?

He invented it in 1668.