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Socrates was a gifted thinker of ancient Athens who helped lay the foundation of western philosophy. The methods he used and the concepts he proposed, along with his courageous defense of his ideas against his enemies, profoundly influenced the philosophical and moral tenor of western thought over the centuries. His refusal to compromise his intellectual integrity in the face of a death sentence set an example for the entire world to follow!

Socrates was a soldier in the Pelopenniesain War. He died having to drink the poison (called hemlock) Of his death penalty. When given this he said:

"I have lived under the protection of this government so why should i turn my back now?" And basically just drank the hemlock and fell asleep and died.

If you want to know what he actually said and how he argued then he is a main character of Plato's book the republic.

Socrates made lots of fallacies in his arguments however he was the first person that we know to devote his life to understanding of the world and asking difficult questions.

Aristotle the student of his student is the first one to describe basic principles of logic.

Socrates was charged for corrupting the youth with his teachings and was sentenced to death penalty, however he took his own life.

a philosopher

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