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The World Trade Centre was not bombed on September 11 2001, two planes were used to crash into the Twin Towers. These planes were hijacked by terrorists who were Muslim extremists who had a very skewed opinion/view of their religion.

The men who did this thought it was their religious calling.

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Q: Why was the World Trade Center bombed on September 11?
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How many times was the World Trade Center Bombed?

7 times

Where was Bill Clinton when the world trade was bombed?

Bill Clinton was in the White House in Washington, D.C. when the World Trade Center was bombed on February 26, 1993.

How many times has the world trade center been attacked?

the world trade center was attacked twice one the well known 9/11 and another when terrorists bombed it

How many people were in the Twin Towers when they were bombed?

there were over 10,000 people in the world trade center

How many people worked in The World Trade Center?

Six people were killed and over a thousand were injured in the World Trade Center bombing of 1993. If you were talking about the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, then, the World Trade Center was not bombed on September 11, 2001. Planes were flown into the towers, causing them to collapse. No bomb was used. Just over 2,600 people died in the World Trade Center attack on 9-11. Actually it was 2,703 and hundreds on the ground, from assorted injuries and diseases.

When was the Trade Center bombed?

The first bombings at the World Trade Center occurred in either September or October 1993. I'm not quite sure about the month, but definite on the year.The World Trade Center bombing occurred on February 26, 1993. It happened below the North Tower, due to a truck bomb being detonated.

What US landmark was first bombed by members of al-Qaeda in 1993 and later destroyed in 2001?

The World Trade Center

Was there a mosque in The World Trade Center before September 11 2001?

There was a mosque near the World Trade Center before the 9-11 attack. It was not actually a part of the Center.

When world trade center blasted?

Tuesday, September, 11th, 2001

When did the World Trade Center in America fall?

On 11 September 2001,

In what year did the terrorists destroy the World Trade Center?

11 September 2001

When will they open a memorial for the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center?

it is open.