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If the Union had been able to capture Richmond early in the US Civil War, it would have made a positive impact for the North. The city was the capital of the Confederacy and had value in that sense alone. Richmond also contained manufacturing and an early capture could have hampered the production of Confederate war supplies. However, the Union's two failed attempts to seize the city at the Battle of the first Bull Run, and the failure of the Peninsula campaign gave the South the time required to build extensive fortifications to protect the city. Despite that, the second Battle of Bull Run also failed to even reach the gates of the city. If not for the early failures, the South would have had to evacuate Richmond and find a new capital. The disruption within the Confederacy would have made a positive Propaganda news for the Northern public. Also militarily the portion of Virginia east and north of it would have placed Union troops in good positions.In Napoleonic War Era terms, early on the city could have been called a "center of gravity" and its capture a blow to the South. Since that never happened, for a time the Union was devoted to other measures to end the rebellion.

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Q: Why was the capture of Richmond important for the Union army?
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Why did the union army choose to fight in Virginia?

To capture Richmond, the Confederate capital.

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The Union Army captured Richmond in 1865, which was the capital of the Confederate States of America. Shortly after that Robert E. Lee surrendered.

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The Union army's goal was to capture Richmond, which was the Confederate's capital. The same goes for the Confederacy. They wanted to capture Washington DC, the Union's capital.

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To fight the Confederacy's Army of Northern Virginia throughout the American civil war In addition, it attempted several times to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond.

Before Ulysses S. Grant could capture Richmond he first had to defeat what Confederate army?

When President Lincoln had appointed US General Grant as the Union's general in chief, he was given the sacred title of Lieutenant General, used only for George Washington. Grant would not be able to capture Richmond unless he first defeated the Lee led Army of Northern Virginia.

How did the Union's plan to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond fall in line with the ideas of Carl Von Clausewitz?

Early on in the US Civil War, it was the Union's intention to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond and thus persuade the South that the Union was more powerful than the Rebels may have thought. Indeed, the success instead of the Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run, may in fact have helped to end the Southern rebellion.With that said, the Union's early plans to capture Richmond was one of the goals written about by military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz. He considered an enemy capital to be a center of gravity, and its loss by the enemy would be a severe blow. With that said, the Union was partially in line with the thinking of Clausewitz. However, he pointed out that the enemy capital had to be a significant city in order to qualify as a center of gravity. As it stood, Richmond was a powerful city with a large population and had significant bits of industrial power, more so than most other Southern cities. Also, the city's location near waterways made the city important. There was however, a side light to Clausewitz's thinking on this. He wrote that if the enemy capital was a true center of gravity, its capture would be lessened if the enemy had a strong army. This the Confederacy possessed. As time passed the Union's efforts to capture Richmond were secondary to defeating Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.