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Q: Why was the development of writing Sumer's most significant contribution to society?
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What was the Sumerian writing system called and why was it so significant?

Because it was the first form of writing in Why_was_the_Sumerian_writing_system_so_significant.

Why would it be difficult to have an organized society without a system of writing?

it would be difficult because without the system of writing people in the future would not know anything from the past and also with the system of writing would last for thousands of years

Why are the Incas historically significant?

The Incas are significant because the created so many things. An Example of this is the quipu. The quipu is a type of writing system to record historical events and accounts. The Incas also made many different archeological places such as Macchu Piccu. Does this answer the question? Yes it does Goodbye Peeps!

How did Egypt society change during the middle kingdom?

it changed when Amenemhet took over as pharaoh, Egypt became an empire

Why is writing important to civilizations?

Writing is important for civilization because it helps us do things we need everyday.1. It helps us create business transactions2. It helps us write treaty's3.It helps us choose what foods to eat4. It helps us give directions5. we also have writing to give directions6. Most important it helps us communicate with others with out writing there would be no solid form of communication.The above leaves out the most important effect of writing: the ability to transmit information to people we haven't ever met. This impact is felt in two ways:(a) The ability to accurately record history. That is, to know for sure exactly what someone said or did. This is critically important for passing down knowledge between generations, as it allows for the accumulation of more knowledge than could possibly be kept via oral histories. The impact of this is that writing allows for a sophisticated society with a much larger accumulated knowledge base than otherwise possible. In essence, what we see as technology is really predicated on a foundation of writing. No writing, no technological advancement (except at a glacially slow pace).(b) It allows for transmission of ideas across vast distances quickly and, most importantly, accurately. Writing allows for the accurate description of an idea, and one which does not depend on all carriers of that written idea to understand even a little of that idea. This transmission of ideas in a quick manner is the foundation of a complex society. No functioning society larger than what is called a Chiefdom (several thousand people, at most) is possible without writing of some form. Most importantly, writing is required for specialization of a society - in order to have farmers, merchants, political bureaucrats, soldiers, etc, one must have writing. Otherwise, everyone is a hunter-gatherer or farmer.

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The most significant contribution of the Shang Dynasty was?

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What was one significant Phoenician contribution to learning?

One significant Phoenician contribution to learning was the invention and dissemination of the Phoenician alphabet. This alphabet was the basis for many subsequent writing systems, including the Greek and Latin alphabets, and played a crucial role in the development and spread of literacy and written communication.

What was the contribution of the Phoenicians to the development of writing?

They invented an alphabet to replace hieroglyphic writing, and syllabic writing.

What was the most significant Phoenician contribution?

The alphabetic writing system, copied by Greek, Roman and modern European languages.

What is considered a key contribution of mesopotamian civilization?

The land fertility and river water allowed the production of surplus food. This surplus provided the basis for spending time and money on building, leisure and cultural activities. This included the beginnings of writing, codes of law, effective government, urbanisation, and unfortunately seriously organised warfare.

What was the most important contribution of the dynasty?

the most important contribution of the Shang dynasty is writing.

Does editing a message count as a contribution?

No, editing a message does not count as a contribution. Writing a message, however, counts as 1 contribution.

What was William Shakespeare's contribution to humankind?

His writing.


Emily Bronte was a novelist, known for her only published novel "Wuthering Heights." She is considered one of the most significant Victorian novelists for her contribution to English literature.

How did advancing technology change Sumerian society?

Advancing technology in Sumerian society, such as the development of writing and the invention of the wheel, had significant impacts. Writing allowed for the recording of laws, transactions, and religious texts, increasing efficiency and facilitating communication. The invention of the wheel improved transportation and trade, leading to economic growth and cultural exchange. Overall, these technological advancements contributed to the evolution and complexity of Sumerian civilization.

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