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Because they were one of two world superpowers at the time, and also during world war two when the ussr troops were driving German soldiers out of easteren Europe, they never left and stalin established soviet statellite states as a buffer zone to prevent furture attacks.

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Q: Why was the soviet union able to invade so many countries during the cold war?
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Did the US invade Soviet Union during World War 1?

not that i know of. but Hitler did invaid the soviet union during WWII

What countries had economic growth during the Great Depression?

The Soviet Union

Why was the soviet union able to control and invade so many eastern European countries during the cold war?

They didn't exactly invade those countries. Most of it was done through trade agreements and defense pacts.

Which orginazations members were formerly parts of the sovient union?

Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.

When did the Soviet Union invade Bangladesh?

they didn't

What modern-day countries did the Vikings invade?

soviet union, iceland, England, Ireland, belgium, Netherlands, France and corsica

Which countries had economic growth during the great depression?

soviet union

What was the political situation of Eastern Europe during the 1950s?

These countries had communist governments that were controlled by the Soviet Union.

What year did the Germans Invade the Soviet Union?


Were the iron curtain countries controlled by nazi Germany or Soviet Union?

The Iron Curtain countries were the Soviet Union, controlled by Russia.

Was the Soviet Union an Allied country?

During WW II, the Soviet Union was one of the allied countries which helped to defeat Nazi Germany.

What was the Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression Pact?

That Hitler would not invade the Soviet Union.