

Why was the space shuttle invented?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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9y ago

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The space shuttle was invented mainly for scientific reasons.

Space shuttles contain numerous instruments and apparatus to conduct experiments in space and gather information about the solar system. Including cameras, atmospheric analysers and so on.

People wanted to know the answers to impossible questions, such as "why do we exist?", "how was life started?", "how was the solar system created?" and so on. Now, with space shuttles, we can provide scientific data to answer these questions.

Another reason space shuttles are built nowadays, but not the main reason, is the search for planets in our solar system capable of supporting life. This is for two reasons: A) the search for extraterrestrial intelligence/species and B) the search for a "New Earth", for future human colonisation when the sun burns out and consumes the Earth.

Another primary reason space shuttles were invented is so we have the capability to repair satellites that have been damaged by space junk, space storms and stray mini-comets.

The utmost primary reason we build space shuttles is for scientific research.

In space, there are so many possibilities for new discoveries, such as new planets, the answer to why life exists, new minerals and resources, new technological advancements, new medical discoveries and so on.

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