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Q: Why we need to understand fully well the dimension of a curriculum design?
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Why need to understand fully well the dimensions of curriculum design?

so that the teacher will know the most appropriate curriculum design she will used in the future.

Why teacher need to understand fully well the dimensions of curriculum design?

so that the teacher will know the most appropriate curriculum design she will used in the future.

Why do teachers need to understand fully well the dimensions of curriculum design?

so that the teacher will know the most appropriate curriculum design she will used in the future.

Why do you need to understand fully the dimensions of curriculum design?

so they can tell the kids what they want to tell them

Why do designs need to fully dimension a part?

to make intelligent design decisions

Why do designers need to fully dimension apart?

Designers need to understand the depth, width, and height part of the shape. ^_^ this is also that they won't get the wrong measurements.

How do you design a dental clinic?

An effective practice design reflect your vision for your dental practice and support the objective outlined in your business plan. The key is to think through your design project carefully and fully understand why you are doing it. The better you understand your objective, the better you will execute your plan.

What does philosophical dimension mean?

Philosophy has many branches (or areas it can be applied to). These form the dimensions just as height or width form dimensions. I found this question searching for a philosophical view on time as "point of existence" in string theory. I didn't expect to fully understand the mathematical dimension of the results, but was hoping to learn from the epistemological dimension.

Does a D transfer to universities from a junior college?

No. Earning a D means you "pass" the curriculum minimum for the class, however this grade will never transfer because schools all have different curriculum, so a D in they're eyes is a class you did not understand fully. So you must retake it.

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To understand clearly means that you fully comprehend something. If you fully understand, you do not require any additional information or explanations.

Why teacher need to understand fully the dimension of curriculum?

To teach a subject to another person the teacher needs to know and understand the purpose and scope of curriculum they are teaching. Teachering is much more than just giving information and to teach a class of 30 students takes a great deal of skill by the teacher. Not all people learn the same so in a class there are 30 different learning styles. The teacher needs to aware of this. At the same time there are interruptions from other sources and students who are not involved in the learning process. Teaching requires a pacing and the ability to do more than one thing at a time. The average classroom teacher knows 8 different subjects, 8 different frameworks, 8 different objectives, 8 different sets of subject matter that is the curriculum.

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Not yet. The number of permutations within the brain still isn't fully understood, whereas we design functional computers so we (as a race) understand them.