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First of all, Jihad doesn't mean to kill or fight. The word Jahada means to do something as hard as you are able to. This word is used in war because if any enemy invades or attacks you, you need to resist with anything you have. Spreading of Islam started with the Messages to all parts of the world, not with attacking them. In 7th century, among countries there were two superpowers Rome and Persia. They also ones which received messages to practice and worship One God and obey His rules. Like in any period and even now, they tried to destroy this activities in order to keep their power and wealth. In fact, they declare war against any groups to carry this ideology. So, the war spread all over. Everybody thinks that they spread Islam with war but not everybody knows that Quran prohibits to enforce anybody to accept Islam. Do you think they didn't know about that in 7th - 13th century? Do you know that in the lands where Islam ruled all religions were practiced openly under the guarantee of those rulers?

After centuries, people got corrupted and they started to misuse the laws in their own personal benefits. They abandoned to practice Quran in their life. Nationalities so called Muslims remained muslims by their name only, like we see it in our times. Only dress and names remained as muslim but nothing in heart and real life.

Don't be fooled by seeing what is happening around you. Those are all corruption, ignorants, not obeying and not implementing Islam in the real life.

99% of so called muslims in the world they even don't establish prayers which automatically nullifies of being in Islam.

The words for reference. meanings (check Lane's Lexicon Dictionary):

Islam (slm) = Peace, Obedience, Health, Tranquility, Surrender to will of God.

Muslim (from the same root word, slm) = the person who does Islam (all states shown above.

Jihad (jhd) = struggle or give all power on performing something. Example, if you're studying day and night with all your strength and ability to complete your school, that's a jihad as well.

Qital (qtl) = fight, war, killing

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Q: Why were jihads the way of choice to spread Islam in the 7th to 13th century?
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Answer: According to Islam it is the unbelief of the infidels that necessitates jihads. These are also conducted according to the dictates of the Koran.Those outside of Islam see that jihads are caused by the intolerance of Islam and its violent attitude to those outside its system. This also includes violent attitudes against fellow Muslims who want to live peacefully and do not wish to follow the command to 'slay the infidels wherever you shall find them.'

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To allover the world; from west to east and from north to south. Prior to the 20th century, the farthest westward that Islam had spread was Morocco and Mauritania.

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Islam did not exist during the Old Stone Age, as it emerged in the 7th century AD. The Old Stone Age refers to the period between 2.6 million and 10,000 BC, while Islam originated in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century AD. Therefore, there was no spread of Islam during the Old Stone Age.

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Military conquest, and destruction of local religions.

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A struggle or conflict to spread Islam is a Jihad

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Islam never spread by war. Refer to question below.

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It was spread in Arabic.

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