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Because typically this region was home to large population of Serbs. I'm sure that America would be outraged if Canada annexed Alaska.

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Q: Why were the Serbs outraged when Austria Hungary annexed bosnia and Herzegovina?
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Which nation annexed Bosnia and herzegovian in 1908?

AnswerIn 1878 Bosnia-Herzegovina was placed under the rule of Austria-Hungary as a protectorate. Thirty years later, Austria-Hungary annexed the area. This caused consternation in Serbia, as it suggested that Austria intended to keep the territory for ever.

The 1908 the serbs became furious when?

Austria-Hungary annexed Bosina.

Who annexed Bosnia?


What was austria-Hungary's reaction to the assassination?

They annexed Bosnia

How did ethnic diversity and rising nationalism contribute to the decline of Austria-Hungary?

The rising nationalism in Serbia created conflict with Austria-Hungary who had annexed Bosnia & Herzegovina, both slavic speaking states. Serbia wanted to create a single unified slavic empire so they looked to the Russians for military support. This ultimately led to the decline of Austria-Hungary.

What was the relationship between Serbia and bosnia and Herzegovina?

Post war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Montengrins, and the Serbs made their claims on land they wanted for their nations. Austria-Hungary got a hold of Bosnia and Herzegovina before Serbia. The newly annexed Serbia still saw Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of its rightful territory, so they started to fight to earn it back, and get even with Austria-Hungary by attacking parts of its country.

Why were the Serbs mad in 1908?

When Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia. You're welcome.

What happened on the 1914 sarajevo?

In 1914 Sarajevo was in the Austro-Hungarian Empire which had illegally annexed and occupied the former Ottoman and mainly Serbian populated province of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

What made Austria-Hungary important in World War 2?

Austia-Hungary did not exist anymore in WW2. It became Austria and Hungary, two separate nations. Austria was annexed to Germany in March of 1938. Hungary became a German ally.

What was the collective name of an annexed part of Poland Austria-Hungary and Germany?

Central Europe, perhaps.

When did the Romans invade parts of Austria?

The Romans annexed Pannonia (eastern Austria, western Hungary, western Slovakia northwestern Croatia, northern Serbia and northern Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 9 AD, Rhaetia (eastern and central Switzerland, eastern Austria and part of southern Germany) in 15 BC, and Noricum (which included most of Austria and part of Slovenia) in 16 BC.

Where did archduke Ferdinand die?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated, along with his wife, in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Balkan state had been occupied by Austria-Hungary under the Congress of Berlin (1878), and was treated as a province although still considered the sovereign territory of the Ottoman Empire.