

Why were the british impressing Americans sailors?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Why were the british impressing Americans sailors?
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How did the British justify impressing US sailors?

by pooping on them

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Americans were angered by the British practice of impressment which American sailors were forced into the British navy.

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In Boston, MA, there was a riot because the British navy was impressing Americans into their navy. The riots were a reaction to that.

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impressment of American sailors and support for native Americans

What did the British do to anger Americans in the early 1800?

stole the cargo off our ships and kidnapper our sailors

Britain justified its policy of impressing American seamen by arguing that these sailors were doing what?

Were deserters from the Royal Navy.

Why did the British use impressment on our sailors?

They needed able body men to man their ships and it annoyed the Americans.

Why did the US declare war in 1812 against Great Britain?

The US declared war on Great Britain because they would not let American cargo ships dock at French ports. The British and the French were at war with each other. Also, the British were in effect "kidnapping" American sailors on the high seas and impressing them to serve in the Royal Navy.

Why did the US go to war aganist Britain in 1812?

The British had forts in Canada and northern U.S. that the Americans wanted to get rid of. Also the British navy was impressing (forcing) U.S. merchants to join their navy.