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Q: Why were the pharohs so important to the egyptians?
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Why do Egyptians only bury the pharohs and queens?

the pharohs and queens were rich. and the rich people in ancient Egypt where buried

How did egyptians view their pharohs?

they viewed their pharaohs as one of the gods.

Do ancient egyptians have mustaches?

no they dont they had pharohs that things like mustaches but did not have mustaches

Why were pharohs so important?

tH4 EGYPti4NS l00kED UP TU DHEMM , :)

Did the egyptians worship dogs?

no, they didnt worship dogs, but they did worship cats.

How did early egyptians structure their social classes?

by the pharohs wanting more power and by the pyramid every slave and worker and women now new there place and new the pharohs place

Which people were mummified?

Everyone back then. Pharohs, servents, villagers, girls, boys, animals, women, and men.At first, only the important people were mummified, but then all people were. But the rich and important Egyptians got mummified with more care and time than the others.The ancient Egyptians Pharaohs or kings.

Why did the Egyptians make dolls?

egyptians made dolls to burry the pharohs,slaves,etc. with they made them and put them in every tomb. By duskkit: Children also played with them!

Why were the Eygptian pyramids important?

The pyramids were important because they were where the pharohs were buried!