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The air within the balloon will heat up and expand past the point of tensile strength of the rubber the balloon is made of. POP!!

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Q: Why will a balloon pop if left in a car on a hot day?
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Why will a balloon left inside a car on a hot summer day become larger?

the reason why a ballon left inside a car on a hot summer day become larger is because the air particles inside the ballon collise with the ballon walls more frequently. I guess......

Which term describes what happens to a cold balloon when placed in hot car?

which term describes what happens to a cold balloon when placed in a hot car

What happen to a balloon on a hot day?

The heat gives the balloon more energy and the balloon explodes

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Why is it better to launch a hot air balloon on a cold day?

it is better ot launch a hot air balloon on a cold day than on a warm day because the air rises in the atmosphere therefore if you were to go for a cold day you would go very high but if you were to go a ride on a hot day the hot air balloon wont go as high as on the cold day .

Where do you find the hot air balloon on cryptids island?

The hot air balloon is tied up to the lighthouse at the left side of Cliff Park (left of Main Street). Get the $5 bill from the tree by the mansions and buy a sports drink for the gardener, and use his shears to cut loose the balloon.

Can i eat chips left in hot car?

They should be safe to eat if left in a hot car for a few hours.

Why would heating the gas in balloon make the balloon rise?

if you mean how the hot air in a hot air balloon makes it rise, its because hot air is less dense than cold air. when cold and hot air meet the cold air sinks thus making hot air left to when you put hot air in a balloon the air would rise. hope this helps.

Bad to fly a hot air balloon in the middle of the day?

It is better to launch a hot air balloon in the morning because the air isn't as dense as it is in the evening or afftoorn.

What happens when a child is left in a car on a really really hot day?

They can get dehydrated, suffer from heat stroke, and if left long enough, die.

How do you control hot air balloon?

Right Then Left Then Right Then Left Then Right Then Left Then Right Then Left Then Right Then Left Then Right Then Left Then Right Then Left Then Forwards

Why would heating the gas in air balloon make balloon rise?

if you mean how the hot air in a hot air balloon makes it rise, its because hot air is less dense than cold air. when cold and hot air meet the cold air sinks thus making hot air left to when you put hot air in a balloon the air would rise. hope this helps.