

Why would Cortes conquer Cuba?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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He wanted power! He wanted to spread his religion, he wanted glory for the spanish, and he wanted riches!

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Q: Why would Cortes conquer Cuba?
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What lands did Hernan Cortes conquer?

The Aztec civilization, Cuba, and Mexico

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1518, when Hernan Cortes departed from Cuba looking for more territories to explore and conquer.

How did Cortes take over Cuba?

Cortes never took over Cuba.

What did Hernan Cortes conquer?

Hernando Cortez is best known for conquering the Aztec empire 1521.

Why did Hernan Cortes sail for Spain?

Hernán Cortes sailed for Spain both because he was Spanish by birth (and therefore harbored loyalty to his fatherland) and because King Carlos V of Spain agreed to fund his voyages. Mostly it was the latter reason.

How did Cortes conquer Aztecs?

He killed them.

What were Hernan Cortes accomplishments?

Hernan Cortes discovered and conquered Mexico. He then invaded Cuba and returned back to Spain. If it wasnt for him there would be no tacos today and no Josiah's.

What country sponsored Cortes's voyage?

Spain, and its colony in Cuba. As Cortes was the Mayor of the capital of Cuba, and Diego Velazquez was the Governor of Cuba, both paid half the cost of the expedition, Cortes having to borrow money to finance it.

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