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Did you use Betta water treatment when you changed it. Did you acclimatize him to his water. When you change the water you drain the water into a cup (make sure the cup is deeper than the tank) with a little bit of his old water. Then, when you have refilled it with room temperature water and put water treatment in, place the cup in the water (making sure not to get any of the new water in yet). After about an thirty mins to two hours (depending on the amount of water in the glass) go ahead and dump that little fishy into his fresh, clean home. If not your betta will become agitated for a day or so; and if you don't use water treatment he will become very ill (due to the chemicals in tap water) and may even expire. if you put any kind of fish in a container to to fast it will get scared. so put the fish in the container slowly.

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Q: Why would a Betta fish be jumpy a week after changing its water?
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Is bottle water safe for a Betta?

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haha,um I would say a goldfish, but you have to be changing its water like once a week , you have to feed it too. Also, I would say a bunny , because you can just give it food and water & they'll be okay . Hope that helped (:

What plant do the betta fish live in?

Betta fish live in rice paddies. The misconception that the Betta live in a small amount of water it's whole life has spread wide. A Betta actually only lives in small pools of water during the dry season when it is forced to by receding water levels. Also like many other fish a Betta in captivity would enjoy the protection of almost any aquatic plant.

What plants do betta fish live in?

Betta fish live in rice paddies. The misconception that the Betta live in a small amount of water it's whole life has spread wide. A Betta actually only lives in small pools of water during the dry season when it is forced to by receding water levels. Also like many other fish a Betta in captivity would enjoy the protection of almost any aquatic plant.

Can i use tap water and boil it for betta fish?

Betta's are a very strange type of fish. For most fish putting them into previously boiled water would kill them, boiling water removes the oxygen vital for life. However, Betta have a special organ that lets them breath atmospheric air. Which means every now and then bettas will go up to the surface to get air. So maybe there is a chance of a BETTA surviving since it would not rely on the air in the water.

What Can kill a betta fish other than a betta fish?

Well, if you love your Betta fish, then it should live by itself. But if you add another Betta to your current Betta fish's tank, then they will start a fight because Betta Fish are Siamese fighting fish and if one Betta is in contact of another Betta, the possible reason would be a fight between them two.

Who would win a fight a betta fish or an angelfish?

The betta.

Can you feed your betta fish eggs?

A tiny bit of unadulterated, finely shredded, tuna flesh would be OK occasionally, provided the Betta recognises it as food. On no account leave any uneaten food in the tank it will foul the water and kill the Betta.

How do you kill a betta fish?

why would you want to kill a betta D:

Can tropical fish live with betta fish?

Yes they would be fine (if they are plants that are ment to live underwater) for the betta splenden aka Siamese fighter fish (assuming that is the betta you are refering to) as it is a tropical fish

Do fighting fish eat ants?

Ants are not usually fed to Betta splendens in captivity but in the wild tropical rainforests, tree ants would sometimes fall into water that would be occupied by Betta s. so tree ants would inevitably be a part of their natural diet.

What makes water available to an organism?

I would say the water cycle and how it's always changing.