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As long as a narcissist has a mirror, they are with the person they love the most.

The narcissist does not want his real self to be revealed. He/she only wants to be acknowledged as superior and better then he/she really is. So every time he/she is around other people, there will always be a chance someone recognising him as a phony, because he/she will be playing a role. So when he does not feel strong and confident enough, he withdraws to be with the one and only person he trusts to gladly be fooled - hem/herself. A narcissist can only hide himself the most from himself, because he will cooperate perfectly in this game of fooling himself. So in fact, a narcissist is not really hiding himself from others, he is hiding from people so he does not have to be confronted with himself, the person he in fact is ashamed of.

That's why you NEED to learn to love yourself as you are!!! With all your weaknesses, all your troubles etc... In fact you are not weak at all and you'll gain strength by appreciating yourself. Good luck!

By the way, I used to be a narcissist 13 years ago and now I'm healed, I can only understand narcissists by memories of how I used to think. Otherwise I am as puzzled and stunned by their behavior as anyone else.

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