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Yes, nothing has an indefinite amount of energy.

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Q: Will All stars regardless of size eventually run out of fuel?
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What is the fate of all-stars regardless of size?

All stars will eventually run out of hydrogen and die.

Do stars expand in size?

Stars expand in size to become red giants, when they start running low on Hydrogen fuel.

What size stars have longer lives?

larger stars have longer lives, because as stars burn they are slowly burning up fuel and begin to cave in on themselves. the larger, the more fuel, the more fuel, the longer lasting.

Do stars have magnetic fields?

Yes just like the sun has one, Every thing regardless of size has a magnetic field.

What fuel does a medium size star use?

All stars fuse hydrogen into helium. Near the end of their lives, large stars progress to fusing helium into carbon.

When stars run out of fuel it collapses on itself and becomes what?

A white dwarf. Actually, it depends on the size of the star in question. Really big stars go out with a bang and become neutrons or black holes (the really giant ones). Less big ones take longer to die out and eventually become red dwarfs or white dwarfs.

Why is the fate of all-star?

Your question is not very clear, so i will answer according to my understanding. There are different types of stars, all different in size and composition. Regardsless of this fact, one commonality exist between all stars, eventually they run out of fuel. Super massive stars are the largest in the universe and they consume their fuel very quickly after which they will detonate as supernovae; completely disintegrating themselves in the process. The longest living stars are Red Dwarfs. Red dwarf stars are the most common kind of stars in the Universe. These are main sequence stars but they have such low mass that they're much cooler than stars like our Sun. They have another advantage. Red dwarf stars are able to keep the hydrogen fuel mixing into their core, and so they can conserve their fuel for much longer than other stars. Astronomers estimate that some red dwarf stars will burn for up to 10 trillion years. The smallest red dwarfs are 0.075 times the mass of the Sun, and they can have a mass of up to half of the Sun.

Is stars the size of the sun can produce elements heavier than oxygen true or false?

True. Our Sun will eventually produce elements as heavy as iron.

Which are the names and size of the stars?

There are countless stars.

What are the ways in which stars are differ in one another?

Principally by size. Larger stars are hotter and brighter. Next by age. As stars get older, they begin to run out of hydrogen fuel, start using helium and swell to red giants. Lastly by composition. Stars that formed earlier tend to have less carbon, oxgyen and "metals" in them.

How does the size of your sun compare to the size of other stars?

The sun is larger than about 95% of stars in the galaxy.

Is the sun median size compared to other stars?

Among stars supporting progressive fusion reactions, the Sun is below average in size. However, astronomers estimate that as many as 75% of all stars in the visible universe are red dwarfs, which are considerably smaller than the Sun. As it ages, the Sun will eventually lose luminosity but expand in size. Over billions of years, it will become a red giant star, and when that phase ends, its core will form a white dwarf.