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The mother will be given Rhogam injection within 72 hours to prevent formation of antibodies to protect the 2nd baby that he will be conceiving.

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No. Rh negative is a recessive gene. If there was a positive gene, it would be dominant and one of the parents would HAVE to have it.

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Not to the baby's ABO or Rh type. Negative is a "null" genotype, meaning there is nothing there to produce antibodies against.

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Why does haemolytic disease of the newborn not occur in rhesus positive mothers with a rhesus negative baby?

HDN only occurs in rhesus negative women who have been sensitized by positive blood. Rhesus positive mother can have a rhesus negative baby. In rhesus positive group, they have the antigen Rh. When this antigen from baby enters mother's blood circulation, because of inutero bleed in pregnancy; mother's blood cells will react to the foreign antigen and produce antibodies which are harmful to the baby's blood cells when they cross the placenta and enter baby's blood stream. These antibodies will break baby's blood cells down causing haemolytic disease. Whereas in rhesus positive mother with negative baby, if baby's blood enters mother's circultaion it will not produce any antibodies as there are no antigens in Rh negative blood. And if mother's blood mixes with baby's blood in the womb, baby will not have the ability to produce antibodies as their immune system is not developed. So there is no chance for haemolytic disease.

Why is RHoGAM administered to RH-mothers?

So that the mother's body doesn't produce antibodies against the Rh factor which would harm Rh Positive babies she may have in the future.

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If an Rh negative woman is pregnant with an Rh positive fetus, her body will produce antibodies against the fetus's blood, causing a disease known as Rh disease

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Is there any problem in pregnancy if mother is O- and father is O plus?

Usually not the first pregnancy, but if the baby is rh positive, during birth some of the baby's blood may cross into the mother's bloodstream and then she will be sensitized and will produce anti-rh antibodies, which could harm the second baby if it is rh positive. There is an injection that is given to rh negative mothers during pregnancy to prevent this reaction.

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multiplying and dividing a negative number will "flip" the sign of the other number. So multiplying two negative numbers will produce a positive number. Multiplying one positive and one negative number will produce a negative. And of course two positive numbers yield a positive.

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Do I need to be the same blood type as my egg donor?

For blood types, you must consider the antigens and antibodies that are involved. epending on the presence or absense of these proteins, a person may have A, B, AB, or O blood. With pregnancy the chief concern is the Rh factor, which determines whether somebody is positive or negative. If mom is positive and da is positive, then the baby will be positive for the Rh factor, and there will be no complications. This same concept occurs for parents that are both negative for the Rh factor. If mmom is positive and dad is negative, then the dominant gene (positive) will be found in the baby and there will be no problems. However, if mom is negative and dad is positive, then the baby will attain a positive Rh factor and be inside the mom's (negative) body. Then, the om's body will produce antibodies to ward off the foreign blood of the baby, possibly killing it. As long as a doctor is informed of this, the mom can take shot periodically to prevent the production of such antibodies an keep the baby safe.

Can an O positive mother and O positive father parent an O negative child?

Parent? or breed? An O + mother and an O+ father who breed and produce offspring will produce an O+ offspring, not a - offspring. Of course, through adoption, they can parent whatever blood type they like. :} Positive (+) means you possess certain antibodies in your blood. So if both of you have the antibodies of course your child will too. I am not a doctor...but this was my understanding when researching this question when I was pregnant. I am O+ as well.