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It has happened many times before and will probably happen many more times: a person abuses his/her partner then turns around and apologizes, asking to be taken back, promising to be a changed person. In general DO NOT TAKE THEM BACK. This is a classic psychological pattern of behavior and unless the person has received professional help, chances are (s)he has not changed. God bless. Most abusers are serial abusers - they repeat the same behavior patterns in all their intimate relationships.

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16y ago

Abuse stems from the abuser, not from the relationship - so a change of partner won't in itself change much (or anything). An abuser needs appropriate counselling or therapy to deal with the problem. The first step of course is for him or her to acknowledge that there is a problem and that needs attending to. I hope this is some help. All the best - Joncey

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Q: Will an emotional and verbal abuser ever stop abusing even in a new relationship?
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Why would an ex verbal abuser when in a new relationship contact me to tell me that he misses me but he is very happy with his new girlfriend and they never argue like we did?

I think the key word here is ABUSER. He is doing it to draw you back in, hurt you, throw you into confusion and to keep abusing you, which it seems is working. Do not let him back in.

Why do abusive relationships exist?

It exist because the person being hurt stays in the relationship thinking the abuser will stop. Face reality this person has issues and they will not just up and change. I would advise anyone who is in an abusive relationship whether physical,emotional or verbal get out while you still can, because the abuser is not going to change magically.

How can a potential abuser how can you get help?

Get into batterer counseling (even if its verbal/ emotional abuse) ASAP (NO Anger Management - that does NOTHING for abusers)

Does a verbal or emotional abuser wait anxiously for their victim to screw up so that they can attack them for it?

Yes, that's a reasonable speculation.

Can a verbal abuser be arrested?

No I dont think so, but if he verbally abuses you then maybe its time fo you to get out of the relationship.

Verbal abuse may cause emotional behavior with school aged children?

Yes, verbally abusing children (and adults, incidentally) can result in emotional and behavioral problems.

Does anyone know what the Help Stop Help Method is for stopping customer verbal abuse on the phone?

If someone is abusing you over the phone then the first thing you can do is ask them to stop the abuse. If they will not stop the abuse then you can warn them you will stop the call. If that will stop the abuse then disconnect the abuser and tell your supervisor who was the person who was abusing you. In responsible companies some supervisors will ring the abuser to find out why they were abusing you and what will be done to those people if the abuse happens again

Is verbal abuse saying something they don't like or is verbal abuse a constant ongoing tongue bashing?

Every individual can lose their temper every so often and say something they may regret, but a verbal abuser is someone who constantly verbally abusing their partner with such things as 'you are good for nothing'; 'who would ever want you' and there are mainly other insults to the victim of verbal abuse.

Is a verbal abuser considered a sociopath?

sometimes a verbal abuser can be consider a sociopath they get involve and like the dirty talk and begin to make them feel and enjoy group talk that is abusive.

What do you do when a verbal abuser distorts your reality such as you are sexuality?

Get rid of them and get counseling.

How do i know if I am in a emotional verbal abusive relationship?

Verbal abuse is the use of negative words against a person. This can take the form of shouting, name calling, use of disrespect words, blaming and accusing. You can try to handle verbal abuse by dialogue.

How do you tell if your husband is considered a verbal abuser?

Please see the links below.