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In the state of mi me and my ex had joint physical and joint legal he had her one week i had her the next. I had to pay child support because i made more money then the ex.

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Q: Will child support payments be different for joint custody opposed to non-custodial parent?
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Ultimately, who has to pay whom and how much is spelled out in court orders, probably a custody decree.Regardless of where the child is living, the person the court orders say has to pay has to pay. If the circumstances change, then you can go back to the court and seek to have the decree modified so that (for example) you're paying the mother's sister (or whomever the child is actually living with) instead, if you think that the mother is not properly passing the money along. Or, alternatively, you could petition for full custody, on the grounds that the child should be in your care as opposed to the care of some peripheral relation.But, bottom line: you make the payments the court says. Simple as that. If you get a lawyer to help you petition to modify the decree, it's possible the lawyer will tell you to put the child support in an escrow account instead, but if not, keep making those payments.

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