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Depends how great your debt is!

If it's fewer than a thousand dollars, you better talk to them.

If it's more than 10.000 you'll need a payment plan.

They will only sue you if you did not respond to their warnings, and show unwillingness to pay!

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Q: Will the credit card companies sue you if you try to settle your debt?
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Does debt settlement companies help you settle with credit card debt?

Debt settlement companies can help negotiate debt relief with all your creditors. This will include credit card companies who may be willing to write off part of your debt.

What are the names of two companies in the US that offer credit card debt consolidation?

There are many companies in the US that offer credit card debt consolidation. Two of these companies include the Wells Fargo Credit Center and National Debt Relief.

How do you settle debt with credit card?

Debt CAN be settled with credit card debt and other unsecured debts. Negotiating a settlement is between you and your creditor and settlements have happened for millions of people and helped them get out of debt.

What type of services does 800 Credit Card Dept offer?

800 Credit Card Debt helps you consolidate all of your credit card debt into one monthly payment. They do this by contacting your credit card debt companies and negotiating a payment for you.

How is getting out of credit card debt possible?

There are companies that offer assistance with getting out of credit card debt. It is possible to get out of credit card debt by carefully watching spending and managing income and expenses, then slowly paying off the debt.

Is it better to settle a credit card debt or pay it off?

Pay it off

How can one be settling credit card debt in the US?

You can settle a credit card debt in a number of ways. You can pay by cash over the counter at your local branch, you can settle the bill by wire transfer or internet transfer, or you can write a check.

How can someone pay off their credit card debt?

There are many companies in exsistence today that can help people with growing credit card debt, such as; Consumer Credit, Care One Credit, and a company called Credit Card Debt. One of these services will steer you in the right direction in lowering and eliminating your credit debt.

Where can one find information on how to settle their credit card debt?

Locating information on settling credit card debt is readily available at many credible sources online. The information can be obtained from the Consumer Information site provided by the government. There are also many private companies with information available.

What are the different secrets when it comes to consolidation of credit card debt?

The different secrets when it comes to consolidation of credit card debt is to make sure that the credit card debt is not tampered with by the credit card companies. The help of government revenue service systems can be of assistance in the area of verification of legitimate credit card services.

What are the specifics of credit card debt settlement?

You should get a hold of a debt consolidator who will then go to bat for you with your credit card companies. They will work out a settlement that can be agreed upon by both the credit card company and yourself.

What are the advantages of credit card consolidation?

Credit card consolidation consolidates all of ones debt. Credit consolidation makes it easier to pay off ones credit card debt with a lower interest rate than most credit card companies.