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Total pressure is the same in either case, but on your toes, you exert more pounds per square inch, on fewer square inches.

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Q: Will you exert more pressure when you stand on your toes or when you stand flat footed?
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If you can sit on the seat and stand flat footed on the ground.

Why do your feet sinks into sand when you are on your toes rather that when you are on flat feet?

when you stand flat footed on sand, you weight is distributed over the entire surface area of your feet in contact with the sand, thus reducing you overall pressure upon the sand, allowing it to stuck together. when you stand on your toes, you decrease your surface area, therefore increasing you overall pressure on the sand, and sinking into the sand.

What does flat footed mean?

This can also be used as a metaphor for being caught off guard or unprepared.

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How can you tell if your not flat footed?

If you have an arch in your foot, then you are not flat footed. You can tell if you put your foot against the ground, but not pressing down, and yeah..

How can you tell if your flat footed?

If you have an arch in your foot, then you are not flat footed. You can tell if you put your foot against the ground, but not pressing down, and yeah..

What will happen to flat-footed people?

Flat-footed people suffers pain from waist down to the feet. What happens is that flat-footed people can be prone to chronic muscle strain as the muscles attempt to keep the foot in a stable position.

Which exerts greater pressure on the floor standing flat footed or standing on tiptoe?

on tiptoe, because the force acts over less area

Which exerts greater pressure on the floor- standing flat footed or standing on tiptoe?

on tiptoe, because the force acts over less area

Which exerts greater pressure on the floor standing flat-footed or standing on tiptoe?

on tiptoe, because the force acts over less area

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Why are flat footed people not allowed in the US Army?

Flat footed persons are not good runner and they are not allowed in any army .Flat foot is weaker as compared to curved foot .