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A ramp exerts no force, just gravity.

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Q: With how much force does a ramp push a ball rolling down it?
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Is harder to stop a rolling bowling ball than a rolling ping pong ball when both are rolling at the same velocity Which is this an example of?

It is an example of momentum (sometimes called "inertia"). Velocity x mass. The bowling ball is much, much heavier. With both rolling at the same speed, the bowling ball is harder to stop because it has much more mass.

Can you describe a bouncy ball?

It's a rubbery ball that bounces up when thrown, with force, down on a hard, supportable surface. Much like a basketball.

How much force is required to stop a 100mph ball that is 145g?

In theory, any force will do. According to Newton's Second Law (F=ma; that is, force = mass x acceleration), a smaller force will take longer to slow it down.

If a bat hits a ball with 1000 n of force how much force does the ball hit back on the bat?

1000 N as well.

What is overuse of passive voice?

Well for starts passive voice is words like: is, was, be etc. It can be fixed very simply by doing this, Instead of saying," There IS a ball rolling down a hill." Eliminate the IS by saying something like," He noticed a ball rolling down a hill." When you first start to do this it can be very tricky but once you get the hang of it if causes your writing to sound much more sophisticated. And it also challenges you to make more complex sentences.

Why does a ice-hockey puck have less friction than a ball rolling on the ground?

Ice has a much smoother surface than the surface of the ground, therefore there is less friction acting on the hockey puck compared to a ball rolling on the ground. Ice is nearly a frictionless surface.

If a bowling bowl ball and a tennis ball were pushed on a lever surface with the same amount of force what would happen?

Since F= ma the much lighter tennis ball would receive much more acceleration and ,consequently, roll much farther, how far depend on the rolling surface. If they received the same initial velocity, they theoretically would roll the same distance bu it would again depend on the surface.

Why doesn't the force of gravity change the speed of a bowling ball as it rolls along a bowling lane?

Gravity most definatley works on a bowling ball as it goes down the lane. If gravity didn't affect it then the ball would go through the roof of the center. However the ball does not appear to slow down much because there is clear oil on the lane (in varying amounts) which allows the ball to skid across the lane without giving up a lot of speed.The ball is rolled down the lane with enough force to allow it to gain momentum (a sort of gravity) and the lane is heavily waxed, so there is little resistence to slow it down. The ball will sometimes 'break', or hook to the left or right; this makes the ball go into the 'gutter' if your ball doesn't have enough momentum. If you notice, on the lane before and after the foul line, there are arrows that guide where you stand and where you aim your ball to guide it so that the ball will turn left or right to hit the left or the right of the #1 pin to get a strike.Work is the force times the distance traveled in the direction of the force (vector multiplication). If the bowling alley is level, then as the ball moves it's distance from the center of the earth does not change. That is, it does not move at all in the direction of the force of gravity. Since the distance moved toward or against the force is zero, the work done is zero.Force of gravity will not effect the bowling ball because the Normal Force is equal to the Force of gravity. Therefore canceling each other out. The forces on the bowling ball rolling down a bowling alley would be Applied Force and some Force of Friction.Work (W) is defined in Physics as the Force (f) acting on an object times the distance (d) the object is moved by that Force, or W = fdSince Force is mass times acceleration, and because the ball is on a surface that is perpendicular to the force exerted by gravity, the ball does not move vertically; there is no gravitational acceleration, hence no Force, so no Work is done by gravity.

Can you bounce a bouncy ball in a bounce house?

yes but not as much as a soild surface becuase the bouncy house absorbs most of the force force by the ball

Which ball goes the highest?

The height of ball will depend on how much force is used to hit the ball and what kind of ball is being hit. A golf ball will go much higher than a basketball or football.

How do you use math in vollyball?

the angles that you hit the ball, how high you hit the ball, and the langth you hitt the ball. you also can find out how much force is on the ball:)

How far can a marble go before slowing down?

A marble will start to slow down as soon as it is released. How far it can roll before it stops depends on the nature of the surface on which it is rolling, whether the surface is flat, up or down-sloped, and how much force was imparted to the marble when it was released.