

Work alone or as a team?

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14y ago

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as a team, because you can do brain storming, we can easily decide by questioning the other people in team to have a good result. two is better than one.

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Q: Work alone or as a team?
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if you like to work alone say you are very independent but if there is something that is a team effort you tottaly will work with other people if you like to work with other people say that you enjoy it

How do you work in a team in job interview?

Just like that. How do you define teamwork? Do you work well with others? Do you prefer to work alone? Could you lead a project? Are you dependable? The company is trying to find out how cooperative you are as an employee.

Do you prefer working alone or in a team and why?

You should answer this question honestly. There are merits to both types of work environments and employees who prefer them.