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I doubt it because they would probably no longer be a supply...They are only interested in those that can be manipulated and exploited again and again.

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Q: Would a narcissist that has been exposed by his good old supply maybe re contact?
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Why would a narcissist not want you considering that you were their main supply having got a four month contract job?

The narcissist only wanted needed you to supply their need at that time. Now they have the contract job they don't have a need for you until you have something else that they want that is when they will need you again. If you don't have anything they want to nourish their narcissist supply the have no problem writing you off and forgetting that you ever existed. They have no empathy RUN do not stay in contact with them they will destroy you.

Why would a narcissist dump and be No Contact on a very good supply without having a new supply he is financially broke overweight lives alone only works and internet?

This sounds like fear. Or no challenge. And I'm guessing he hates himself, therefore hates you for depending on him.

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People who have been exposed to asbestosis should contact a Medicare Regional Office. If the person was exposed at work they should contact their state workers compensation board.

What would happen to a female narcissist who has three kids if and cannot find a new N supply to help her support her kids?

She'll keep looking.

What is the contact for Bradco Supply?

If one is interested in getting contact details for Bradco Supply, it would be suggested visiting company's official website. It provides both contact details information and address.

Does a narcissist purposely try to hurt you and why?

no. a sadist would want to hurt you. a narcissist would want to be hurt.

If a Narcissist tells you not to get in touch with them again would the narcissist actually make contact with you again?

Yes it will until he/she makes sure they can't get anything anymore from you , and than if you don't respond , and keep strong with your decision not to be in touch, they will look for replacement immediately also.

If a narcissist ask you not to make contact again do they have a way of making contact with you again?

It is highly unlikely that a narcissist would do that, they might need you later on. The only reason they would ask this is, they fear that you are becoming dangerous to them. Even so, they live for the moment. At some point they may call upon you again. It all depends on what is going on in their lives and weather or not they have anyone else to call upon.

Why would a narcissist want you back if he thinks you cheated on him?

Why would you WANT to go back? Narcissists will make up stuff to blame you with just to get out of the relationship. They NEVER take responsibility. Do NOT go back. Institute NO CONTACT and run!

Can a narcissist be friends with another narcissist?

Probably not, they would fight over mirror time. ;)

Would the narcissist exploit the tragedy of others to secure a new Supply Source?

Yes. I compared Narcissistic Supply to drugs because of the almost involuntary and always-unrestrained nature of the pursuit involved in securing it. The narcissist is no better or worse (morally speaking) than others. But he lacks the ability to empathise precisely because he is obsessed with the maintenance of his delicate inner balance through the (ever-increasing) consumption of Narcissistic Supply. The narcissist rates people around him according to whether they can provide him with Narcissistic Supply or not. As far as the narcissist is concerned, those who fail this simple test do not exist. They are two-dimensional cartoon figures. Their feelings, needs and fears are of no interest or importance. Potential Sources of Supply are then subjected to a meticulous examination and probing of the volume and quality of the Narcissistic Supply that they are likely to provide. The narcissist nurtures and cultivates these people. He caters to their needs, desires, and wishes. He considers their emotions. He encourages those aspects of their personality that are likely to enhance their ability to provide him with his much needed supply. In this very restricted sense, he regards and treats them as "human". This is be his way of "maintaining and servicing" his Supply Sources. Needless to say that he loses any and all interest in them and in their needs once he decides that they are no longer able to supply him with what he needs: an audience, adoration, witnessing (=memory). The same reaction is provoked by any behaviour judged by the narcissist to be narcissistically injurious. The narcissist coldly evaluates tragic circumstances. Will they allow him to extract Narcissistic Supply from people affected by the tragedy? A narcissist, for instance, will give a helping hand, console, guide, share grief, encourage another hurting person only if that person is important, powerful, has access to other important or powerful people, or to the media, has a following, etc. The same applies if helping, consoling, guiding, or encouraging that person is likely to win the narcissist applause, approval, adoration, a following, or some other kind of Narcissist Supply from on-lookers and witnesses to the interaction. The act of helping another person must be documented and thus transformed into narcissistic nourishment. Otherwise the narcissist is not concerned or interested. The narcissist has no time or energy for anything, except the next narcissistic fix, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE AND WHO IS TRAMPLED UPON. Based on my book "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited"

Why is your ex narcissist calling you to see how you are doing and asking you. literally asking you to call him back when you are settled or feel like talking to him later in the day?

You have your answer in your question. He is a narcissist and because of that he thinks that you can't live without him. I wouldn't contact him in any way. If you do so you are inviting him in your life. You are well rid of him and keep it that way. I would block is number and email just to be sure of no contact.