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Yes, a pressurized and heated spacesuit or spacecraft would be required in the cold regions of the outer solar system. You could not actually walk on Neptune because the solid surface is deep under a superheated slush of water and ammonia. But you could walk on any of its icy moons.

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Q: Would a person die from the cold if they were on Neptune?
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Why would a person die on Neptune?

Neptune is extremely cold. A person exposed to its atmosphere would freeze to death in seconds. If you found a layer that had surviviable temperatures, the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere would kill you. even if you had a space suit that provided air and protected you from the cold, Neptune has no solid surface, so you would simply fall into denser and denser atmosphere until you were crushed by the pressure.

What would happn to a human if traveled to Neptune?

if you traveld on a space ship to neptune the space ship would freeze and crash and tou would die from the cold temperature

What would happen if a person was to live on neptune?

they would freeze cuz its so freakin cold out there. they would become an ice-icle and want to go home. basically; they would die. so dont try it.

Why could not swim in the seas of the moon?

Because of the cold climate there. A person would die of cold in an hour there.

Could you survive on Neptune without food?

no, even without food you will die in minutes by the cold.

If you went on Planet Neptune what would happen?

You would freeze to death within a matter of seconds. Planet Neptune is absolutely freezing. It is an icy gas giant. Humans will not survive. Electrical equipment would also freeze and malfunction.

Why would you like to visit Neptune?

to see what it is like but i would die by armani

How to survive on Neptune?

U would die why dont u go and go to neptune and find out your selfs!gosh

Would a person choke in neptunes atmosphere and why?

Not choke, just die; no oxygen. And so cold your lungs would freeze.

What would happen to humans if they traveled to neptune?

the man die with coldness.

What would happen to a human if he went to Neptune?

It would take about 12 years to get there. Assuming the human did not die on the long trip from starvation, boredom, dehydration or insanity, then s/he would certainly die upon arrival. If the high winds (over 1,000 miles per hour) didn't destroy the spaceship upon landing, and knock the sense out of the space traveler, Neptune is too cold and there is no oxygen.

What would happen if the earth was as far away from the sun as Neptune or Uranus?

we would all die