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Q: Would it be true to say that Chapter 3 discusses Defensive Driving?
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Is defensive driving the only kind taught in drivers training or can you learn offensive driving too?

Defensive driving means that you are aware of other drivers around you. Offensive driving would be the opposite of that. You would not be taught in driving school to drive without caution or concern towards other drivers.

Where can I find defensive driving school?

I would go to the DMV. They work with certain professionals.

What does it mean for defensive driving and what will be taught in defensive driving course?

Defensive driving is basically how to drive safety so you do not put yourself as well as others in danger. A defensive driving class will teach you more than just the basics of driving safety but it will also teach you things like: what kind of things can you expect from different weather conditions, how to avoid your car being stolen, etc. I feel this is a course that would help people who are just starting to drive.

What's the best defensive driving course online?

Many different driving schools recommend that young drivers take defensive driver courses before getting their license. Most will be able to recommend to you defensive driver course that they would feel would be beneficial to your son. Many insurance companies would also be able to make a recommendation.

Do you have to do defensive driving with a Speeding ticket dismissed with deferred adjudication?

It depends on the specific requirements of the deferred adjudication program. Some programs may require completion of a defensive driving course as a condition for dismissing the speeding ticket, while others may not have this requirement. It is best to consult with the court or the program administrator to determine if defensive driving is necessary in your case.

Where should I take the online defensive driving course?

I would look at your state's DMV. They should have resources on how to take that online.

Can a seventeen year old driver take a defensive driving course to have a ticket dismissed in Texas for rolling through a stop sign?

It is likely that a judge would allow a ticket to be dismissed in Texas if a young driver takes a defensive driving course. Of course, it would depend on the disposition of the judge and the attitude of the defender.

How can you get a 76 in a 55 reckless driving ticket dropped and what should you do to reduce it such as defensive driving courses or pleading guilty to a lesser charge Also if you are 16?

You would have to plead your case to a Judge about getting the ticket reduce it. Since it is a reckless driving chare the penalties are stiffer. Now if it was a regualr speeding ticket, you could take a defensive driving course to get the ticket off your record.

Are courses available that teach defensive driving techniques?

I would have to first check with my states department of vehicles and ask for information on this topic and if it were available I would also find out the requirements that were needed to participate if I were interested in persuing those driving techniques.

Where is the best defensive driving school in Niagara?

I used to live in Niagara. If you would him to go to a good school you should enlist him in Town Fair Driving School. They really teach you the best ways to drive.

How do I register online for the Texas Defensive Driving Course?

I would suggest googling this and then see if which one of the courses is what you want then click on that one & follow instructions.

What can I do to qualify for a discount on my vehicle insurance?

I would check with my insurance agent. Personally, I get discounts for having home owner insurance, multiple cars, and, defensive driving.