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In my opinion, having known some people with Asperger's, I would say that he does not have it.

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Q: Would you diagnose the WKRP in Cincinnati character of Les Nessman as having Asperger's Syndrome?
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Did William Shakespeare have Aspergers?

The truth is, nobody will ever know. You can't diagnose anyone who's dead, because in order to diagnose someone, you have to talk to them. Same goes for Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson, and everyone else involved with the rumors. Unless they walked outside and said "Hey, I have Aspergers." then there's just no way of knowing.

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A person with Down Syndrome will have 3 chromosomes for the 21st autosome. Karyotypes show these chromosomes which help to diagnose Down Syndrome.

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Not if you are also stupid.

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A syndrome is a medical condition, and a symptom is something that is noticed that may be used to diagnose a medical condition.

What is one method to diagnose a genetic disorder such as Down syndrome?

Get a blood test at the doctor.

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How is Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome diagnosed?

Electrocardiography (ECG) is used to diagnose Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, and other cardiac arrhythmias. A trained physician, normally a cardiologist, can recognize patterns of electrical conduction. With this syndrome.

Is there a test to diagnose Asperger's Syndrome?

This is hard to say but I believe there are. I took something called a Gillian Asperger's Test. It is widely used in schools. There are other tests but sometimes these tests are not very effective. Having a brain scan can help also. Many people do not know that people with Asperger's have a brain which the white matter is significantly distribuuted differently in comparison to a person without Aspergers.

Is asperger's syndrome serious?

Probably, but it has only recently been named as such and clearly defined. Improved: Noone really knows when Aspergers' Syndrome was FIRST thought out, but the first researcher to define it, has since then made the case. You never know, back when the cavemans were around, Aspergers' syndrome could've had some effect.

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Diagnosis of Budd-Chiari syndrome can be made by an internist (a specialist in diseases of the internal organs), a gastroenterologist (a specialist in the diseases of the digestive system), or a general surgeon.

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Diagnosis of Leigh syndrome is often difficult due to the broad variability in clinical symptoms as well as the many different genetic explanations that cause this disease.

If your newborn baby has only slightly slanted eyes -but is very active - could she have Down syndrome?

Just because a newborn baby has slightly slanted eyes does not mean that they have down syndrome. Doctors are able to diagnose down syndrome at birth.