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int temp,prev,i;


printf("%d ",prev);






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15y ago
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15y ago

hi here is the program for u //program to print the series 1,-4,7,-10,13,-16 etc...



void main()


int i,n,sign=1;

printf("Enter the number of terms to which u want to print the series\n");







} here the sign is changing for every even term so we can use (-1)^(i+1), so when i=even then power of -1 will be odd...hence it will be in the for loop part in the middle section i have put an A.P. formula for number of terms, in arithmatic progression tn=a+(n-1)*d where tn=nth term, a=first term d= the difference of the series if u still have any confusions plz feel free to buzz me...thru mail

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15y ago


char ch;

int number = 0;



cout << number << " ";


} while (ch != s);

//When you press 's' the loop will quit.


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14y ago

// Here are three ways to answer your question. Hope it's not a homework assignment! // -----Method 1------ // #include int main() { printf("1121231234"); return 0; } // -----Method 2------ // #include int main() { int i, j; for(i=1; i

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13y ago

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) { puts ("1 12 123 1234 12345"); return 0; }

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Q: How to write a program to print 1 2 3... series in C?
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