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The you need to go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor).

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Q: Y you m feeling pain in your lower abdominal after positive pregnancy test?
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Can lower back pain and pain in your abdominal region only when leaning forward be a sign of pregnancy?

Signs of pregnancy are a missing period and positive pregnancy test. Lower back pain and pain in the abdominal region are not signs of pregnancy. See your healthcare provider for accurate diagnosis.

Lower abdominal cramping is pregnancy symptom?

yes you do have abdominal tenderness and cramping when you are pregnant.I recently had a baby last year and that was one of my first symptoms.As long as there is no extreme pain it is completely normal.

When Im lying face down with my stomach against the floor for yoga it is tender in the lower section is this a sign of pregnancy?

The normal signs of pregnancy are 1) late period 2) positive pregnancy test. Look to those first; abdominal tenderness is not a sign of pregnancy.

Can you tell if your pregnancy is tubal?

An ectopic pregnancy has to be suspected in any woman with lower abdominal pain or unusual bleeding who is or might be sexually active and whose pregnancy test is positive

What could cause fluttering in the lower abdominal area besides pregnancy?


You have been having lower back pain and abdominal pain you went to the er yesterday and all test have been cleared for std uti and pregnancy Can you still be pregnant?

Back pain and abdominal pain are not symptoms of pregnancy. A missing period and positive pregnancy test are signs of pregnancy. See your primary care provider to find out what is causing symptoms severe enough to send you to the ER.

What are the dangers of tubal pregnancy?

Internal hemorrhage, shock, infection, loss of a fallopian tube / ovary and severe pain are all risks of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. If you are having lower abdominal pain, spotting, or bleeding after a positive pregnancy test you need to be seen by a doctor.

Pregnancy symptoms at 15dpo?

lower backache and bubble feeling from uterus...

If you keep feeling a sharp pain in your lower left stomach area and have sore breasts are you pregnant?

this would be hard to say if you are pregnant or due to start your period. as these are often signs of both. however if you are pregnant the stomach pains should not cause you to much discomfort and you should contact your doctor.

Does pressure in your lower abdominal mean I'm pregnant?

Not necessarily. Lower abdominal pressure can be caused by many other things, including overeating and constipation. If you believe there is a chance you may be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. If you are concerned about this abdominal pressure, consult your doctor.

What does nausea accompanied buy lower abdominal pain and spazams or twiching feeling near my ovary mean?

It could indicate a pregnancy, however it could be something else. The only way to be sure is to pay your Doctor a visit ASAP!

After sex Is lower abdominal pain a sign of pregnancy?

No, it takes 3 days for a sperm to get into a egg and make you pregnant.